LC Monitoring 365 - Watch your lift at any time / from anywhere

2. April 2024


ü  All information about your lift in one application

ü  Transparent, efficient and easy lift operation

ü  Your lift is always under control (you know exactly, what your lift is doing right now)

ü  Quick problem solving via app (remote acces)



 Every our lift has remote acces since 2017. More than 1000 lifts.

Feedback from our customers is great - they have experienced significant claim reduction and they do not need to travel to a lift installation every time there is a problem, they can solve some problems remotely. Since also our company has acces to your lift, we can also advise you, when you have no clue what is wrong.



Advantages of LC Monitoring 365:

  • Remote acces to your lift at anytime and from anywhere (via Cloud in application Manager Lift)
  • V ceně je hlasová komunikace na servis – dle zkušenosti je to v 99,9 % případů dostačující
  • You know exactly what your lift is doing right now (no need of personal visit) – in app you can see in which floor your lift is, where will it travel, whether there is a problem and what its setting is
  • Automatic e-mail notofications
  • Failure overwiev with exact time
  • Significantly faster problem solving, time and money saving solution. Since also our company has acces to your lift, we can also advise you, when you have no clue what is wrong. We can see your lift setting as well (main board Vega) and we can also change the setting, if there is a problem. It is easier for us to advise you and problem is solved much faster than before.


From 2022 LC monitoring also contains inverter information 



When you sign in, you can see all lifts that are connected in Monitoring 365.


You can also see a list of lift failures and when they occured